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Nutritional Facts between Bamathi Rice Vs Brown Rice

I was very cautious with my diet since a few years back due to tremendous weight gain which takes trolls to my back. Although with all this diet watch, only give me good maintenance rather than tremendous weight loss, I don't really feel that sad. Why? I am not really able to sleep well and this doesn't help much in weight loss. I consistently exercise to keep my body healthy and still no weight loss. Almost cry at this point. dreams to have that 'S' line, shattered to pieces. I have forgotten about my dream to wear the crop shirt once again. muahahaha...I still maintain my 'H' line, consistently for many years now. 

Enough about that 'S' and 'H' line. I would rather stay healthy than focus on the too good to be true, 'S' line dreams!

Talking about my diet, I only eat either Basmathi rice or Brown Rice to keep myself healthy. Afraid of the combo disease to hit me. I kind of love basmathi rice compare to brown rice because I find that brown rice usually very dry and it really hit me at the wrong spot during mealtime. Yah being a bit fussy.

What are the nutritional facts different between Basmathi Rice Vs Brown Rice?

Calories - Basmathi rice has lesser calories
Total fat - Basmathi rice has lesser fat 
Potassium - Brown rice has a higher amount of potassium 
Dietary fibre - Brown rice win when it comes to dietary fibre
Iron - Basmathi has more iron

The rest of the other nutritional aspects they are not much different. Since both of basmathi and brown rice is kind of good for health. What if both basmathi and brown rice combine? It will be excellent right?

I was out shopping to top up my basmathi rice stock when I found ecoBrown's Pusa Brown Premium Basmathi Brown Rice. I know about brown rice and basmathi rice separately. I never imagine they have brown rice basmathi. I bought a 1kg pack for RM16.90 to give a try. I usually bought my rice at 1kg pack since this will take ages for me to finish it off. I seldom eat rice at home. I eat it when craving urge hits me!

ecoBrown's Pusa Brown is a wholegrain basmathi brown rice. They market it as exquisite fragrance, texture and excellent taste. Ideal for Briyani rice dish. Oh! well...I don't think it is a good idea to cook Briyani with this basmathi brown rice. I would rather use the real basmathi which also gives an excellent health benefit and furthermore it promised a beautiful briyani cook in my rice pot. Why?

I am not sure about other people but when first open my rice cooker, I was shocked by the sight of crinkly worms like cook rice. I was like...why is this rice look so funny?

What went wrong here?

I soaked a few minutes before cook in my rice cooker. The texture was excellent not too dry not too soft. Just right! But it just this rice has a horrible looking form when its cook. I cook this few times again and it still looks the same after it cooks.

Look at the raw gains in this picture. It has a long-form just like basmathi rice but it looks like coward rice trying to hide when it cooks. hahaha. Just like a worm being thrown inside the hot water. The exquisite fragrance smells disappear after it cooks. It just a bowl of crinkly brown rice after it cooks and it doesn't deserve to be called basmathi.

The taste of eCobrown's Pusa Brown rice is alright to me. I won't say its excellent delicious but you can eat this rice as long as you don't put too high hope like I did. 

Will I buy ecoBrown's Pusa Brown Rice again? No. I will stick to the usual basmathi rice or just brown rice. No more Basmathi brown rice. Now... I have to try my best to finish off this worm-like Basmathi Brown Rice. Ahh...


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