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Showing posts with the label Malacca

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Staycation At Casa Del Rio Hotel Malacca

  Early this month, my sister and I brought our parents for a short staycation at Casa Del Rio, Malacca. It was a conjunction with our parent's 54th Wedding Anniversary. This is an advance trip and celebration because their anniversary falls in October. My sis will be busy with her work in October so we did it earlier.  We booked 2 river view rooms for a night. I emailed the hotel prior to our trip to ensure we got the best river view room because this was for my parent's anniversary. My parent will be unable to walk around and explore nearby like any other healthy people. Both of them will be in the room most of the time. The best river view is really crucial so they will not feel bored to stay in their room. At least, both can sit on the balcony to see the outside view. The hotel made our stay extra special with a special complimentary surprise for my parent. The housekeeping decorated one of the rooms to celebrate my parent's anniversary. Of course, we got the best river

2 Days / 1 Night in Malacca - Relaxing Trips

Sometimes end July this year, I brought my parent for a short trip to Malacca. Both parent really has a problem with walking far and so on. So the trip itinerary is a bit limited. I have a big headache to plan this for them. My objective for this trips is to make them happy and satisfy with the trip. You never me everything is the last since we never know what will happens the next day. It is very important to treat the 'now' time as precious. We started off our journey from Kuala Lumpur and reach Malacca in two hours. Thank God! my last sister willing to come with me. So it's not so difficult to handle both old parents. What is so difficult to handle old parent. are not talking about the ordinary old parent. They are both a child alike now. If the really small child, you can scold and advice. You are talking about 'old baby' who are both stubborn who you can't even spank. Well enough about that. Jonker Walk My first


In my previous entries I talked about I went for 3 days hiatus. Actually, was a bit on depressed side since the 2013 is ending. I feel a bit lost...well not really a bit but I have that major loss and no sense of directions in life kind of thing. I gone through this every end of the year. But this end of 2013 is the BIG hu ha for me. Well ...since I am going to be 40 years old next year. Gosh!!! what is my achievement???? This make me feel a bit down to myself. Chinggu...spontaneous road trip last Saturday really help to cheer me up! See??? this is the bright and shining smiles again....kekekeke We went for late brunch at our favourite Kesington place Later dinner both of us reached at our favourite Eleven Bistro at Jonker Walk Portuguese Baked Squid Tamarind paste Prawns, Nyonya Stlye My favourite Cencalok Omellete End our day with our favourite Nyonya Cendol at our favourite place Bibik


Place I love the most in Malaysia is be exact Jonker Street...hehehehehe....   Nothing to write because I feel lazy to do hope the photo say it all....     New discovery in Malacca, Bastion Victoria...yeahhh... another Portuguese ruined but the state authority dig out and leave it for Aedes moquitoes breeding place.WTH!!!   Melaka Tree... and Melaka Fruit!   Gosh...look at the hot dogssss!!!!!   I ate this seafood grilled!!!!   That old man with the ting ting candy...yup!! that the way I called that candy!!! kekekeke... don't know the real name.   Seriously...every time I visited this place...I find the Malacca old folk are the most happy one!!!!

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