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Showing posts with the label Weekend Layparking

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More Butt

My diary entry for this one its all about view from my eyesight and my thoughts...   Wanna real tattto...there there contact that advertisement for this fella..    Who know this fella??? How about my 'Astro Boy'??? kawaii!!!   shaking leg at 'Ochado' near Tokyo Street.... my eyes wondering around for people's butt!!!! what to do.... I have 'wild eyes' for a lady! hehehehehe...I keep telling 'chinggu' this... That one round butt... that one long leg and that one flat butt that one sexy butt...that one butt...that one short leg...owwhhh that leg...owhh this one 'crab leg... and 'chinggu' goes... your eyes naughtier than man eyes....kekekeke ya lor... that my answer for him..     Dead buffalo!!!   more butt in naughty huh???

One Night at Shangri La KL Suite

I received a phone call last Saturday morning from a girlfriend... She invited me to spend a night with her at Shangri La Horizon Club suites on Saturday night. Ohohohoho....cancel all appointment!!!! Shangri La!!!! I am coming!!!!!!!!!!!!! On normal Saturday or weekend, me will grumble and will not go out from my house unless people fetch me from home. Yup! lazy bum...don't want to drive. But for this....hehehehe drove all the way throughout the 'bloody weekend traffic jam' during lunch hours on Saturday afternoon...what the heck!!! Its free ma!!! Do you think I can afford to stay here with my own money....yes I can afford but hell...I will not spend my hard earn money to enjoy this kind of luxury! Never!!! Oh! well... Back to my experience in Shangri La suites....   Open the door and see this small office...yup! for working area.. They provide internet access,printer,voice mail phone and other stationeries straight ahead the livi

Secret Garden

Have you ever been to Secret Garden at One Utama Roof Top at new wings???? I went there few times... I make a trip there again with family after feeding them with a heavy breakfast.....hehehe.. Malaysian.... bless with good food!!!! Enjoy the flowers!!!!! and story about 'THE CURSED DUCKIE!'       This is the story about a duck... This pitiful duck got cursed by the 'koi' fish king and the duck now become frozen...   Poor duckie!!! Just stood there staring up blank....unable to move its body even a wink!!! And the 'koi' fish swimming happily ever after at One U outdoor koi fish pond....THE END 


Discover Korea last weekend at Farenheit,KL Many people from the outside...I walked to the middle...hahahaha empty!!!! All they sell is ramen ramen ramen ramen...oh! in our terms....instant noodles more and more...oh! they also have bimbimbap demo....   Accompany chinggu to Uniqlo shopping for Bhutan trip clothing....yeah,clothing suitable for cold season...   Since I don't really enjoy waiting for I end up playing with my clear mirror in front of me... Time for some selca...OMO!!!! the wrinkle is so obvious!!!   Woit! chinggu ya!!!!! so fussy...faster choose one and pay le...I impatient to wait for you... just take that yellow one..or blue one..I prefer green though!!!! Ballee!! Ballee!! (in korean means hurry up!)  While waiting for chee cheong fun at low yat Dangui honey drink sambal belacan chee cheong fun...   fried foo chuk,brinjal and bitter gourd!!!   This is my dinner

Paradigm Mall - Tea Garden

We went traditional by eating this rice steamed cake tea time      Yau Char Kueh and beancurd with peanut sauce soya cincau  happy face because too full hehehehe

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