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Travel to Kaohsiung, Taiwan : 7 Things to do at Cijin Island

Cijin Island Kaohsiung is just a small Island and you can easily cover this Island in a day. It just within less 10 minutes Ferry ride from Kaohsiung Harbour. If you are driving this place is also can be reached by car. 

Cijin Island attractions :

* Tianhou Temple
* Cihou Lighthouse
* Cijin Seashore Park
* Windpower Park
* Museum

How to go to Cijin Island ?

* Take the Orange Line Metro and get off at Sizihwan (R01)
* Take Exit 1 and turn left and walk straight to the end.
* Then turn right and walk straight and you won't miss the Ferry Terminal sign. If I am not mistaken it call Gushan Ferry Pier.
* Just join the queue at the entrance with other people. I went there in the late morning so not many people yet. 
* I just tap ipass and get the entrance fee cheaper . Yeayyyy!!!! You still can pay cash though. But its a hassle since you need to put exact amount into the box. If you don't have exact change , there are someone who will change money at the barrier. For non Chinese speaking like me , its better to use card. It will be hard to communicate when we don't understand each other.

Please note that you will pass through row of shops at small alley while walking towards the Ferry Terminal. There are some vendors pitching for you to rent the electric bike or motorbike. Yes. You can rent and bring it into the ferry. I believe its cheaper than the one rent in Cijin Island itself. But I find it a bit troublesome to do that since you need to go another lane and squeeze with other bikers. Plus the ferry fees will be a bit higher then. You can still rent bike at Cijin Island itself. In general all this vendors are friendly. One of them even gave me the map for free. By the way it is a  Chinese map. WTH! But I still can identify it through the pictures though.

Things to do at Cijin Island, Kaohsiung Taiwan

1. Buy lots of Street Food Snacks

Unlike other people who rent a bike to round the Island , I took a stroll on the street food vendors stretch and buy some snacks for simple picnic by the beach. Just by some seafood skewers and fried small fish. Don't forget Koahsiung specialty, Aiyu Lemon drink and also honey aloe vera drink too.

Top left : Sort of seashell snacks. Not sure how to eat that. It look bizarre to me. There are many vendors selling that snacks.

Top right : Grilled squid. Soft and fresh to eat. I love this one.

Bottom left : Fried prawn. Didn't buy that since I just ate the grilled squid. I need to check on Cholesterol level.haih!

Bottom right : I bought the fried small fish. There are 2 types. White and Silver fish. I bought both. The silver one with eggs. I love white one. It more delicious and less fishy smells. (Gosh! I am eating a  fish and expect it less fishy smells.)

Top Left : Grilled clams and abalone.

Top Right : Crunchy and Tasteless baby squids. Thats the sauce for dipping.This make me wanna throw up. I guess overdosed of baby squids. 

Bottom Left : You are not going to miss this. Love this pop shrimp crackers. I bought it here NT100 for one pack.

Bottom Right : I remember eat this similar one in Jonker Walk ,Malacca for RM15 a piece. Here I paid for NT100 (which equivalent for RM15) for one big bowl. They steam it with soy sauce,  garlic, ginger and glass noodles for me. Eat Clams until my stomach wanna collapse here. WTH!

Top : Honey aloe vera. I know the taste of real aloe vera alone will be bitter and slimy but yet I bought this. isk isk isk...why? I thought the aloe vera in Kaohsiung is different species. Who knows? The bitterness and sliminess was not much different. Foolish woman! 

Bottom : Aiyu Jelly with lemon. That green and brown color look like Alien's egg is actually the Aiyu Jelly fruits. This is sort of vegetarian gelatin. Good for health and knee cartilage too. I need this!!!! I tasted Aiyu Jelly in many places in Kaohsiung but I still feel the Auntie at Bangsar Night Market make the best Aiyu Jelly. 

2.  Rent a bike

After you done with food for picnic shopping. Time for you to rent your transport to tour the Island. Why I said walk first then only rent a bike? If rent the bike its not easy to stop and shop. I rent the electric bike for NT400 for 3 hours.  Happily zooming away around Cijin with it while snacking on seafood fry I bought. 

Please note they require you to leave passport with them when rent a bike. Hell no! I am going to leave my passport anywhere . I gave up my hotel pass card to them.

3. Appreciate on the black sandy beaches along the way

Cijin has an intriguing industrial history and the only things in front of you along the way is just a black sandy beaches where you can't see anybody swimming around. Its not the beautiful beaches I have visited. Anyway Cijin beaches still make one addicted to just sit there staring at the horizon while munching away the snacks. 

Just beware...too many stray doggies on the beach. Lucky don't get chase by any of them.

4. Visit the Museum

I found this by accident. Note that the map in my hand is in Chinese. So not sure what the hell is this. I drop by because urgency to relieve my short bladder. kekekeke... 
Then pop inside. All description in Chinese. But from the photos and all..I do understand what a horrifying event happened long time ago. All this happen during the Japanese colonial. Horrifying and many people died on that ship. 

No appetite to eat after that Museum visit. My mind keep wondering and imagine the horror of the victim being starve to death in that ship. Wondering if I am one of those victim. How will I take such pain and sorrow? I think killing myself is the best solution at that situation. Don't think my mind is strong enough to receive such brutal treatment.

5. Take a walk through the Cijin Star Tunnel

Seriously, I was hoping for star inside that tunnel but it was dark and no stars. Aikkk??? I need somebody to knock my head so the star can appear? kekeke...crazy thinking again. 
Trust me just walk through that tunnel even no star appear and the view waiting in front of you is worth it. Gorgeous!

I then walked along the trail nearby and found nice wild trees , plant and also beautiful cactus flowers.

You can climb some high staircase to get to the top of sort of Fort and lighthouse. You can see nice view there. In fact can view the whole Cijin Island from there. I don't do that since forgot to bring along my walking stick with me which in Hotel nicely place in my luggage. Never thought they have such stair case up and down. 
Yeah! when you old woman means you are old. Nowadays travel abroad must bring walking stick along with me.

6. Take nice photos

There are many art kind of things along the way. Just use your imagination and start to snap away. I am not an avid photographer. All I know is just point and click. Don't really care about art. Most important beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Keep sweet memories in mind.

7. Seafood Dinner in Cijin Island

Well..if you still can feed yourself with seafood meal then no harm to order some nice seafood dinner at one of the restaurant here. I can't eat anymore. The fry fish I bought is a little too much acquire all space in my stomach. Gosh! 

Tips : If you don't mind to be among the huge crowd,  visit Cijin Island late afternoon and stay for early dinner here. This place are more happening during that time. I came here late morning and left around late afternoon to avoid crowd. Too many Chinese  and local tourist. Headache meet many people. I can't stand being among to many people.I will get sick!

I boarded the ferry back to Gushan Ferry Pier. Thinking about going back early to hotel before walk to night market nearby. Who knows.....I found more happening things even before I reach the Sizihwan Metro. 

Apparently, they are having sort of farmers market. I walked and sample some food and drinks. . This thick face just being nice and politely accept it. So full even by sampling free food. hahahaha...

I love the pineapples here in Kaosiung. The texture and the sweetness is totally different than the breed here. That fruit corn. Simply delicious to just eat raw. Bought back some pineapples juice and one whole peeled cut pineapples just because I read somewhere pineapples good for knee pain. Thought of buying more things but I can't carry too heavy things. (Its knee pain syndrome not the bratty Princess syndrome. Please understand )

I end up bought some vegetarian steamed bun and eat the pineapples bought earlier for dinner. Saving energy  for tomorrow. I need to wake early for long journey to Cinjing the next day.

Check out my Kaohsiung Trip Travel Itinerary here


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