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U Khao Yai, A Romantic Resort and Spa in Khaoyai

While planning for my trip to Khaoyai last January, I was having a hard time selecting a place to stay. I was contemplating on themes to choose plus the location accessibility and of course the Price Tag. Khaoyai are famous with its European and English style resorts. While others price too high for me, U Khao Yai seems reasonable in term of price tag, their price around RM300++/ night. Plus this place just opened end of Nov 2016. I love new place. At the end here I am... landed to this French style Resort. Enough for me to 'shout out' ...I feel like a Princess in Fairy Tale. 

This place located about 2 1/2 hour drive from Bangkok surrounded with Mountains and Timberland. Read further to enjoy my journey stay at this awesome resort as if I was immerse with nature.

I booked 3 Days / 2 Nights stay at U Khao Yai. As usual greedy side of me said this is not enough. WTH! Be Thankful to what you have. Don't let the greediness evil to blind your pure heart. kekekeke...really? I have pure heart? wink wink

As I walked into the lobby area, I could sense the overall design of the resort has strong influenced from traditional southern France but still it maintain a modern  interior design to suit the present days. A welcome drink was given upon check in plus a beautiful handmade soap for me to bring home too. I chose Jasmine scents. Love it!

While walking towards the designated room, I can't help it but to feel the sincerity of this resort owner or who ever design this place . Every corner of this place comes with very details and meticulous thought. There is a hen story for you to read on the wall along the walkway. Which I spent my time reading it to the end. WTH!

Love my room for 2 nights. The view of this room overlooking the pond and lovely French style residence. U Khao Yai provides unique service to its guests too.

* 24 hour room which allow guests to enjoy their room for 24 hours. For eg. you check in at 3pm , then you can check out 3pm the next day. See? They are not like any other resort or hotel so stingy with timing. This place are super generous for you to enjoy your stay to the fullest.
* Breakfast whenever. wherever during the stay
* Selection of your preference for pillow, tea, music , soap which guests can pre-select from their website under 'U Choose Programme' or you can inform the reception upon check in.

I could say this resort are not really convenient for foreigner like me who has no car and depends on rent car with driver. But this is not even a problem for me especially to find food. I always standby my own food beforehand because I did some research this place are inconvenient. Since I am traveling, I am not so particular when it come to finding food. No big deal at all. Use you wise judgement as long as you don't go overboard.

They have a French Bistro Restaurant call Papillon which offer great selection of food. For Muslim, please be prepared. This place is not Halal Restaurant. They serve pork. Dine with own judgement. Alternatively, please prepare Cup Noodles or some bread.

Staying at this resort never make me bored or what so ever. There are many amenities and facilities like :

* Join fully equipped fitness centre
* Brisk walk around while immerse with the nature
* Book massage at Tao Spa which will bring you in total relaxation mode
* Enjoy the swimming at their infinity swimming pool.

I enjoy my evening walk while stopping now and then to smells the sweet smell of french roses from their rose garden.They have free bicycle for you to cycle around but the path are a bit of limit. Well...just enjoy the brisk walk while breathing the fresh air around. I would love to experience this again and again.

Perfect evening for me. I feel my mind at ease here and like everything lift up from my shoulder. My mind feel light and make me feel bless to be here.

Adjacent to this resort there is a residential housing, which I believe this is a high end project since this Resort owned by a well known developer.

Anything wrong with my dreams to retire here at U Khao Yai? 
Yes. I am wrong! Know you place Woman! Come back to the Earth if you are not going to Heaven yet! WTH!

End of my awesome fairy tale stay at U Khao Yai. I wish to visit this place again. I can opt for other theme resort or hotel at Khao Yai which is more convenient than this place....but...this is a perfect place for me. Away from car vrooming around and I feel mind healing here. The next time, I will bring more money to spend. muahahahaha...I need to work harder to spend more. 

I am going to be busy working this year. Not sure whether this will be my last trip for this year? Maybe not!  I have one near by trip pending to be fulfilled. 

Who wanna follow me on my next travel???

Follow my instagram can ar!!! muahahahaha Follow me on my instagram@Cindyreena.

If you are still haven't read my other post on Khaoyai. Please click on this LINK for Things To Do in Khaoyai may be this will help on your Khaoyai trip travel plan. 

How do I book my stay at U Khao Yai?
I use because I need to gain one night free stay for my next trip. WTH! You can check out U Khao Yai latest price at their website or through various Hotel booking platform.


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