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Wake up in the morning. Getting ready and try to look pretty and presentable...cheewwwaaahhh!!! Chingu came to pick me up and off we go to my interview venue. Started the journey with full of positive energy. One and half hours drive after went through don't know how many ripped off tolls by this license pirate.....feeling hungry...wanna pee too.WTH! Weather was so freaking hot..and I am wearing vampire all black dress with black stockings and black heels too.WTH! Am I going for interview or black tie party??? I wear that with perception black can look slimmer...that is the ultimate motive...   It could be much easier to use federal highway to reach that place. Both unitedly decide to use that NKVE and bla bla bla highway where all those big transformer trucks used. Me keep saying...damn!!! How am I suppose to come to this place again when the road is not register to my mind. WTH! Finally reached the of course with the impatient mood and Chingu i


  Very healthy red rice heh? But this is very hard red rice...yeah yeah..I suppose to put more water. My bad! My awesome Kimchi Jjigae save my lunch treat! Very easy to make this soup. Boiled water then add in cabbage kimchi, raddish kimchi, then add in tofu, optional salty fish. No need to season since I pour in kimchi juice in...serious awesome when you hungry! Served this with hot rice...


The month of everywhere red is here.... CNY dull this year. I guess...after that disappointment budget announced....people kind of not in celebration mood. I don't feel the joy of festive even CNY is coming up another 2 weeks time. I am a tiger surviving in year of horse this year...mmmm...prediction seem not that good for tiger this year. All tigers...let us show the power of surviving to all those stallion! Stay strong tigers!!!!  We wish to go through year 2014 like this pretty flowers!!!!


I am glad to be at home. No place as warm as home. Starting my day with hot coffee while writing in to my diary...enjoying 'Big Bang' song....I feel like I get my path right today. Praying hard God let me go through out today with peace! I find myself busy bee since new year 2014 started 17 days ago.... Good sign ? Bad sign? Don't know....only God knows what coming for me through out the year. I just hope..what coming is not that bad and not that difficult to handle. Anyway, I find myself going through some paid off debts time since year started. 1. My car two front tire was very slippery and almost cause me accident...end up changed 2 front tires and the mechanic told me the tire was at that danger bad for being ignorance!!!! 2. Saving somebody ....yup!!! part of my existence on earth to be that 'Wonder Woman' and rescue everybody around me. That is why I hate to be around people especially the so called human who live


Just want to share what I have read during my three days hiatus. Professor Muhammad Yunus of Grameen Bank said this during the interview with Santa Barbara Independent.. " Ordinary businesses : * aimed at making money * there is no consideration of how people benefit, * it is all about making profits Social businesses : * all about social benefits * not a personal gain Profit are important in social businesses which seek to sell products at prices that make it self - sustaining. Important reminder - social businesses is not a charity but profits are not its ultimate goals. When social business turns a profit, the original investors are repaid. But the rest of the profits stay with the company in order to achieve its long term social goal of helping the poor. " If you deciding to venture into consider to do the ORDINARY BUSINESS OR SOCIAL BUSINESS? Have a good working days ahead of you! Don't forget to feel confident


Woke up this morning with a feeling... Ah...I am alive again. I am one day older... My body aching...sign...I am ageing....yeah! I am going through that natural process. Everybody is going through this time. Drove outside...see people with family in outing? Walked to the buying groceries... Stop by the cafe for with children having happy family breakfast. While driving back home from dry clean...make me thinking.....isk isk...sad... Who will comfort me when I am in pain? Who will pour me drink when I unable to pour it myself? Who will feed me food when I no longer have energy to cook or buy my own? Who will massage my aching body when I am sick? Who will attend to me if I am on the sick bed? Who will console me when I am in fear to let go my life? Who will be by my side at the end of my life??? I am comfortable with my current life...being alone and everyday alone is what I wanted. But this doesn't stop me fr


  We took tuk tuk for TB100/ each person for van to our hotel. Just buy the coupon at airport. Reached Hotel around 2pm.  Late check in so late lunch. While waiting for late lunch ...the coconut ice cream is calling... The food I ordered for family...since all don't want to make decision...there you go...freaking spicy seafood tomyam , seafood salad and fried chicken for them. After late lunch...let them rest in the hotel then me...went down for 2 hours massage...serious only cost me 300 baht for 2 hours. Late evening...went out to Asean Trade Market...thought of walking and look around...but since came here with old people ...after almost 20 minutes journey by tuk tuk. I only can walk around here for around 10 minutes. Mum said..nothing to see here and nothing to buy...ooooo ok... Go back hotel and pack some food for them. food was sucks!!! My sis bought fried fish paste and the taste was sucks!!!! serious

I am sick but still flying out

I was so sick this morning but still dragged myself out from bed to work. Trying my best to finish off my work but yet my body is totally against me. OK ! Fine...lets go back home ...body!!! Yeay...guess when you sick all the bad thing seems like magnet to you. It was jammed as usual...gosh!!! I noticed the car behind follow me closely....WTH!!! I knew it ! I knew it!!! this going to happen. He kiss my sexy butt!!! OMG!!!! This fella... Yup!!! as a single woman drive I shouldn't stop right... Oh well ...not that I proud because I just go myself in danger... I just forgot what situation am I right at that time... All I know when that car hit me... I just up!!! I get out from my car. Look at my car behind...then after ensure no damage....I glance at him..I mean the other driver..that fella seems not too care to even lift his butt our from that car or even say sorry... F!!! that arrogant fella... Wish you bad luck! I know I know...I am


Place I love the most in Malaysia is be exact Jonker Street...hehehehehe....   Nothing to write because I feel lazy to do hope the photo say it all....     New discovery in Malacca, Bastion Victoria...yeahhh... another Portuguese ruined but the state authority dig out and leave it for Aedes moquitoes breeding place.WTH!!!   Melaka Tree... and Melaka Fruit!   Gosh...look at the hot dogssss!!!!!   I ate this seafood grilled!!!!   That old man with the ting ting candy...yup!! that the way I called that candy!!! kekekeke... don't know the real name.   Seriously...every time I visited this place...I find the Malacca old folk are the most happy one!!!!


I more attracted to go to City of Dreams rather than Venetian City...weird!!! I just attracted to the name...from the name..I use my imagination...gosh seriously...I am disappointed with my own imagination...foolish me...   I walked from Venetian City to the City of Dreams...yeah!! with hope its more grand than Venetian City...foolish could it be more grand than the largest casino in the Asia??? haishhhh....     still couldn't find where is city of dreams after long walk... where is this city of dreams... look at that Golden Dragon!!!!! The big Dragon is waiting to make you pour out all your hard earned money!!!!   instead of indoor walking...I decided to walk out...then standing there outside the building... The door man look at me standing like clueless.... then he asked me...   Door man : " Mem! Is there anything I can help you??? Me : Oh! hi...where is City of Dreams???   Door man look puzzled too...ah! could it be ...he don'

MACAU : RUINS OF ST PAUL AND MACAU MUSEUM final day in Macau before heading o HK then fly back to Malaysia tomorrow night! 'Kiasu' side of me... I need to make use of my final day today...I keep telling myself that...isk isk greedy!     I am trying to find way to Ruins of St Paul...but end up took the wrong alley...don't know where the hell am I!!! Gosh!!! I was there just last night...took the wrong turn...hehehehe   Finally found my way to St Paul and ...yeahhhh...they were dancing Portuguese dance under the hot sun! "Jingli  Nona Jingli Nona euquere cassa" Remember that song??? I only remember one sentence of those...used to sing this when I was little. If it is under cool weather...I would say lovely.... But...under the hot sun??? Pity!!! Can see their armpit sweat as they were dancing!!! kekekeke... was a good experience!!!! Happening!!!   If you come to Macau...don't miss this place...If you come here on Sunday like...they w


My HK post just ended yesterday.... Next week will start posting Macau trip. Last Saturday was at Tropicana City Mall for my breakfast and lunch. I met with 2 sets of friends. All from different company ex office mate. Lazy to make few trips to PJ so I end up get booked at same day and different session but same place ...and of course!!! different restaurant.   1st session was at 11:00am at Kluang Station...Thank you to Mama Julie for treating me that morning!!!!! Oh ya!!! my friend Jack is getting slimmer and more handsome now!!!! Yeahhhh!!!! people not even 30 years...of course still presentable...hope not seeing him with big belly in another 10 years meeting. Great to catch up with my friends and start imagining on how to catch up with them if I am 50 years old which is another 10 years from next year. Am I still alive at that time??? mmmmm.... will I be able to drive all the way to meet them to catch up ...or they have to catch me up at where ever I am or t


One evening after one of my evening microcurrent treatment at Central, instead of head back to MTR back to my hotel room near mongkok.... I decided to get out to see outside the Central Building itself. That evening treatment was the most painful. Yeah.... you see my fake smiling face below???? Gosh!!!! God knows the bruises and the pain.... heart need some O lalalalalala session....   Out of the Central building.... front Lois Vuitton... Gorgio there and there and there all branded places... I got headache!!! WTH!!!     Then saw this cute adorable double decker bus...and....yeahhhh!!!! got to take this cute tram... I read it somewhere...HK have this oldest transportation call Tram and it is electric operating transportation for almost 100 years and one of the oldest. Oh..yeay!!! I just hop in one.... I don't care where this fella going to bring me...I just want clear my head from painful event just now!


How many days in HK??? mmm.... I feel I don't go anywhere at all since the weather is freaking hot. One day after my day treatment...I decided to take MTR all the way to Diamond Hill. No diamond here but the place is like a diamond in the middle of busy city. The 35,000 square metre garden built during Tang Dynasty. Serious this is like an oasis! Lovely park with unusually shaped of rocks and very very old trees, beautiful water ponds and bonsai garden.   I exit Diamond Hill station then can see bus station and next to it is Plaza Hollywood. Then just follow the sign to Nan Lian temple which require me to cross the road.   I bought this Japanese bento for my lunch picnic at this beautiful garden. I ate it near to one of those bench in front of this garden. Dare not eat in the garden scared got chase away...huhuhuhuh...hungryyyy wor!!!!   Serious!!!! Its freaking hot weather!!! Ngor beh tahan liao!!!!   My HK post is not

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