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Milk is not for only babies or kids. Babies or kids need milk for healthy growth. We adult need to drink milk for our healthy golden years. Once you understand the importance of milk then, one will start drinking milk without a second thought.

5 reasons why milk is good for health :

1. Protein

Excellent source for protein and it has 9 essential amino acids which important to meet our physiological needs.

2. Potassium

Regulates our blood pressure and we needed this for muscle contraction.

 3. Calcium

Strengthen our bones and can at least prevent it from old age disease such at osteoporosis.

4. Vitamins

Fantastic source for Vitamins A,B-12 and D.
Vitamin A to maintain good eye sights and smooth skin. It also helps to controls cell growth and proper functioning of our immune system.
Vitamin B-12 is essential for nervous system and also for blood formation.
Vitamin D helps for calcium absorption

5. Niacin

Keep normal function of enzymes and body process sugars and fats which is important for nervous system development.

More reason to list down but the rest are too scientific jargon for me to remember. In short, milk are essential for our health and helps us to grow old healthily. 

I one person who is lazy to even drink. But after the doctor diagnosed me for early Osteoporosis near knee area at this age....isk isk isk ...regret to max and totally beyond regret now! Doc said it was too early for me to have such bad bone. My feet are all curling up at night and unable to walk far. Scary to think of future with all this. I can't run and I can't jump like last time anymore. My activities are limited. I wanna protest but I am the one to blame for neglecting my own health. (***sob sob sob***)  serious wanna cry if talk about this apart from it being too painful at time.

Damage have been done! No point to regret. I am moving forward to sustain life. I started drinking milk. People say...never give up and no such thing as too late. I was not a milk person but  understand how important it is for my health.

Recently, Dutch Lady Malaysia sent me a stack of Dutch Lady Pure Farm Milk for 7 days Milk Breakfast challenge.


Day 1 - Breakfast sponsored by Dutch Lady Malaysia. 
Tuna Sandwich and Strawberry Oat milk and box of Dutch Lady Pure Farm Milk.

Day 2 - Blueberries Overnight oats with Dutch Lady Pure Farm Milk.

Day 3 - Blend Dutch Lady Pure Farm Milk with Almond and top with dried Cranberries

 Day 4 - Over slept and all I can grab is one green apple and convenient pack of Dutch Lady Pure Farm Milk

Day 5 - Quick grab of wholemeal egg and sardine sandwiches with Dutch Lady Pure Farm Milk.
Day 6 - Feeling so 'rajin' to boil egg the night before and pair it with cherry tomatoes and blueberries and of course my source of essential vitamin Dutch Lady Pure Farm Milk.

Day 7 - Homemade wholemeal salad and cheese sandwiches , cherry tomatoes and Dutch Lady Pure Farm Milk.

Benefit to drink milk in the morning :

* Provides protein for morning breakfast
* It helps to build body muscles and best to drink it early in the morning after 7 - 8 hours empty stomach

Benefit to drink milk at night :

* if you drink warm milk at night before bed it can help to calm your mind and better sleep.
* help to reduce tiredness

Basically drinking milk is my daily routine now especially after the diagnosed. Young people out there, whatever reason you have include milk for your daily diet. For some of us  'COFFEE IS MY STYLE AND MILK JUST FOR BABIES! 'You are lucky if you don't feel aching like I do now. Don't be like me. I am at point of prevention is not even an option!

Here some message from Dutch Lady for you precious living people out there.


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